Thursday 12 June 2008

Why consider a Business Coach for your business?

Whether you are thinking of starting up a business, started one or trying to grow one, it can be a challenging time. That’s why a Business Coach can help clear the path to success by using their experience and knowledge to help you through the maze of possibilities. Put it like this way, learning from someone who has experienced the challenges first hand, can save you time and money.

So I have decided to breakdown running a business into 9 areas, and then drill down on each one of these topics in turn over the coming weeks:

- Planning for growth
- Exploring new ideas
- Increasing marketshare
- Managing people and their performance
- Getting the right premises
- Cashflow and working capital
- Using business technology for competitive advantage
- Monitoring and controlling your business
- Planning your exit

There is a huge amount of information out there, but what some businesses lack is the ability to apply it to their often unique situation. Having an external sounding board can help give you another perspective, ie: avoid the ‘woods and trees’ syndrome because the incumbents are too close to the day to day running of the business.

Robert Davison

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