Thursday 20 March 2008

Why Project Management?

Project management is simply guiding a project from inception to successful completion, making coordinated use of processes and systems to guide and encourage people to successfully perform a project’s work.Management

Another approach to project management is to consider the three constraints as finance, time and people. Project Management is used to keep control over the project variables, and resolve issues in a timely manner. The key benefit is that project performance is observed and measured regularly to identify variances from the project management plan.

Project management is about creating an environment and conditions in which a defined goal or objective can be achieved in a controlled manner by a team of people. Project management is applicable in a wide range of business activities as it involves the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques shaped by the specifications and requirements of particular projects. Project management is a way of thinking and behaving, rather than just a way of analyzing and presenting information.


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