Thursday 12 June 2008

Business opportunity for Retailers and Wholesalers

Retailers and Wholesalers, have you considered entering or expanding your reach of products over the Internet?

Would you like to add another sales channel to your business?
Many businesses realise having a presence on the Web is important nowadays, but many companies still do not realise the full earnings potential of an Internet sales channel. It is now possible to establish a sales team (agents) who are motivated to sell your products for minimal cost.

With systems integration and hosted solutions, systems can be updated in realtime, thereby ensuring your customer service is maintained throughout the sales process. Customers demand more from the retailer, from the comfort of their home they can view your competitors price, availability and service.

With this business challenge in mind, I am working on an business initiative with a technology company that can maximise your business on a risk-and-reward basis. So if you are interested in expanding your reach and branding on the Internet, then get in touch today.

Robert Davison.
Davison Consultancy Business coach for SME businesses

Looking for a job or seeking someone fast?

Employer Problem: You have been let down or have a pressing job that needs doing and you need someone fast, within 2 hours.

Jobseeker Problem: You may be a contractor looking for some extra days or a person who needs some temporary work.

The solution: A business colleague and I have launched a new website which we believe will address these two fundamental problems.
Using the conventional method of finding or advertising a job takes time, resources and money. Most people require the job or resource NOW, not in a week or so, especially if you have penalties imposed for not getting the job done on time, or it would have an adverse effect on customer relations.
We believe this will be of major benefit to both Employer, Contractors, SubContractors and Jobseekers, as each group gain significant advantages of time and money over what is currently available.
To get the volume going through the site we are giving Jobseekers the opportunity to register for one month free by using our jobseeker discount code.

Have a look at Available Last Minute and see if you agree with us.

Robert Davison

Why consider a Business Coach for your business?

Whether you are thinking of starting up a business, started one or trying to grow one, it can be a challenging time. That’s why a Business Coach can help clear the path to success by using their experience and knowledge to help you through the maze of possibilities. Put it like this way, learning from someone who has experienced the challenges first hand, can save you time and money.

So I have decided to breakdown running a business into 9 areas, and then drill down on each one of these topics in turn over the coming weeks:

- Planning for growth
- Exploring new ideas
- Increasing marketshare
- Managing people and their performance
- Getting the right premises
- Cashflow and working capital
- Using business technology for competitive advantage
- Monitoring and controlling your business
- Planning your exit

There is a huge amount of information out there, but what some businesses lack is the ability to apply it to their often unique situation. Having an external sounding board can help give you another perspective, ie: avoid the ‘woods and trees’ syndrome because the incumbents are too close to the day to day running of the business.

Robert Davison

Thursday 20 March 2008

What is a Business Angel?

A Business Angel is an investor that provides development capital to growing companies or new companies. More and more investors are realising that becoming a business angel can be an attractive alternative investment with the additional benefit of becoming involved in an exciting growing business. A business angel is a wealthy investor who is willing to risk investing in a startup in exchange for a stake in the company. A business angel with the right skills can strengthen your business by adding skills or experience that you lack.

Angels expect you to have a clear idea about what the funds you ask for will be used for. Angel investors understand the needs of a new business through their own experience and are able to advice and aid the companies in many ways. Angel capital fills the gap in start-up financing between “friends and family” (sometimes humorously called “friends, family, and fools”) who provide seed funding, and venture capital.

Angels seek profit, but they also enjoy the excitement of being involved in early-stage companies in trendy fields. Angels take a vested interest in the business and an active role as they are taking a risk by investing in them. Business angels are usually former entrepreneurs or executives that have past experience and business skills which can help provide capital and business advice often in return for shares in the business. Angel investors or Business angels can be a great way to finance your business; they will often be entrepreneurs that have successful businesses of their own.

Businesses are unlikely to be suitable for investment by a business angel unless certain conditions are fulfilled. However, being a business angel is not just about providing a source of finance, they add to the overall business mix and can offer guidance and mentoring to the companies in which they invest. To attract a business angel you need a solid business plan. But just as important is guidance and encouragement from a business mentor. The fundamental difference between a business adviser or consultant and a business mentor is that the adviser will work to find a solution for the client, whereas the business mentor provides a different point of view and acts as a referral point, encouraging the client to assess and explore options, develop new skills and make informed decisions.


Get more traffic - SEO tips

Have you a product, service or a PR story that you want to promote?

Write an article and submit it to the following sites for free. Yes, it takes time but it’s worth it if you position your product/service correctly.

Publishing articles on the popular content sites can have a dramatic effect on your web traffic. Ok, it’s not an overnight sensation, but every little helps to build up your page ranking!

Try these links:



What is Business Mentoring?

Business mentoring is about getting advice and direction from a specialist who is wise in a particular area.
Business mentoring is where a small business operator is matched up with an experienced and trusting advisor.
For these reasons, and many more, business mentoring is increasingly popular as a solution to a multitude of business challenges.
MentoringMentoring is a highly interactive process and requires strong commitment from both the mentor and the business directors/management team. If interested in researching or learning more about business mentoring, please look at the Davison Consultancy website for more details.
The most critical component in mentoring, most professionals would agree, is being able to listen. The key differences between coaching and mentoring are: Mentoring invents a future based on past experience whereas coaching invents a future from an individual’s own suggestions and input.
MentorMentoring is one way in which small businesses can advance business development rapidly by drawing on the experience, skills and knowledge of successful business managers and business professional service providers. Mentoring covers everything from help with planning and researching your business and assistance with your business plan through to the sharing of contacts and encouragement to help you reach your goals. Mentoring is designed to uncover talents and enhance skills in a supportive and open relationship. Mentoring has been used successfully in the workplace for years.

Business Mentoring is designed to give you the tools, knowledge and resources to accelerate your business. For these reasons, and many more, business mentoring is increasingly popular as a solution to a myriad of challenges. Business mentoring is an enduring relationship that helps you realise your potential and achieve your business goals.


Business Internet Strategy

Internet Strategy is more than developing web business strategies and a web design strategy. As a business, the ultimate objective of an Internet strategy is to convert a looker into a client. An internet strategy is a plan for how your business will use the internet.Strategy

An Internet Strategy is a plan for how your business will use the internet. It should develop and implement the vision, devising a solid Internet Strategy based upon real business objectives. I believe that your Internet Strategy should, first and foremost, support your business objectives.


Your website is the most valuable piece of marketing collateral that you develop. The truth is a website that sells a product or service is still a business. As your business processes change, along with technology changes, your website needs to do the same. Internet Consultancy is a key aspect when considering a website project.

An Internet Strategy is an in-depth analysis of how online technologies and tools can be implemented within a company to help reach its goals and objectives. If your Internet Strategy is not generating good qualified leads, getting the applications, getting the phone calls, streamlining your application process or at least building a list of your customers that visit your site online, what is it doing for you. An effective Internet Strategy is more than web design or web site development.
